Developing our Church Community

The Church of England has recently developed a tool to enable us in developing our Church community and I would like to invite as many people as possible to take part in the survey questionnaire that has been designed for this purpose.  The link to the online survey (which is St Stephen’s specific) is:

Alternatively, there will be some paper versions of the survey available at Church and a poster with a QR code for those who are tech savvy.  Please do help us with this survey as it will help us to plan our future activities and programmes.

Many thanks, Kevin.

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St Stephen’s Choir singing in Southwark Cathedral

This Sunday, 17th July, our choir will be singing for the 11.00am Sung Eucharist and 3.00pm Choral Evensong in Southwark Cathedral.

Kevin Maddy graduated!


On Tuesday 5th July, our Rector Kevin Maddy graduated from Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, with his PhD thesis ‘Approaches to Monasticism in the Context of Christian Responses to Modern Culture’. Congratulations!
