Chichester Cathedral: 26–27 October 2024
Rehearsal Schedule and Proposed Music List
Saturday 26th October 2024
2.00pm Rehearsal
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 119: 145–end.
Canticles: Sumsion in A
Anthem: Rejoice, the Lord is King – Archer
Hymn: ‘Let all the world in every corner sing’ (NEH 394)
Sunday 27th October 2024
Bible Sunday
9.00am Rehearsal (in the Song School)
Responses: Ayleward
Venite (Psalm 95) vv. 1–7 & Gloria
Psalm 119: 89-96
Canticles: Stanford in B-flat
Anthem: Teach me thy way, O Lord – Fox
Hymn: ‘Immortal, invisible, God only wise’ (NEH 377)
Mass Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Motet: My spirit longs for thee – Gower
Hymns: ‘All people that on earth do dwell’ (NEH 334); ‘Lord thy word abideth’ (NEH 407); ‘Thanks to God, whose word was spoken’ (AMNS 423 t. NEH 438 ‘St Raphael’); ‘Rejoice the Lord is King’ (NEH 443)
2.00pm Rehearsal
3.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 119: 1-16
Canticles: Stanford in B-flat
Anthem: Blessed be the God and Father – Wesley
Hymns: ‘Help us, O Lord, to learn’ (NEH 370); ‘Thou whose almighty word’ (NEH 466)

As explained on the sign-up form, it is your responsibility to book accommodation for this trip. There are several places around Chichester that are within walking distance to the Cathedral.
Travel arrangements

Please make your own way to Chichester, and leave plenty of time to arrive for the first 2pm rehearsal. If you are travelling from Canterbury then I would appreciate some help in taking robes and/or music as I now have to fit all the things that come with Oscar in the boot!
For those of you who are regular singers with St Stephen’s, please take your own robes with you. It would be lovely if you could wash your whites in advance too.
For those of you joining us as guests, please let me know you approximate height and I’ll bring all the spare robes hopefully enough for everyone. If you have robes from elsewhere, it might be worth bringing those with you too, just in case.
Where ever you’re coming from, don’t forget your black shoes!

There will be an email or message coming around to see if you’d like to join together for dinner on the Saturday night – we will need to book in advance as there could be a lot of us; we may need to pre-order too.
On Sunday there won’t be a lot of time for lunch as the Eucharist will finish at approximately 12.30pm, and then we have to rehearse no later than 2pm for an early Evensong, so I would recommend bringing a sandwich with you, or possibly finding something in the Cathedral tea room (no idea how good it is, but you can find out on Saturday!). You never know, there might be time to have a drink together after Evensong to round off the weekend!