Svenja Powell writes:
Canterbury Welcomes Refugees is working with Canterbury City Council and other organisations to welcome and support newly arriving refugee families from Afghanistan. It has just been publicised that over 100 refugees will initially be housed in a hotel in Canterbury before being found more permanent accommodation across the country. There will be children of all ages.
We are looking for children’s toys, new or in good condition for children of all ages. These should for obvious reasons not include soldiers, toy guns or any other war related items. As the families do not have much space, please only relatively small toys, including toy cars, Lego, dolls, washed of new cuddly toys etc. Picture books or books with few words/language learning books are also welcome as are writing and arts and crafts materials. Some outdoor toys that can be taken to a park would also be welcome.
Please drop toy donations off from Monday, 23rd August at:
St Mary Bredin Church
59 Nunnery Fields
01227 453777
Due to other events taking place at SMB, please drop toy donations between 2pm and 4pm at the church office if at all possible. If you have any queries, please contact Svenja via canterburywelcomesrefugees@outlook.com
I would like to thank you all and will keep you posted on other needs as we become aware of them.